Reduce Joint Pain, Improve Posture, and Move Better at Body Rhythm
Our mission is to support our clients while they restore strength, gain flexibility and find freedom in their movement. We aim to help to find ease in movement, with proper muscle and joint function also called functional movement. Our programs are complete and cover everything you need to know to get the best results possible from your fitness program.
We are working with our clients on all the components that are required for achieving serious results. Whether you're here in Santa Monica or virtually anywhere else, our program can help you regain the physical confidence and freedom you deserve.
We train = Workout Sessions and Coach= Support between your sessions.
Each session at Body Rhythm include the following 5 keys: Release, Biomechanics, Core Connection, Movement Integration, and Repetitions
These are essential to support you in the process to improve your body posture, achieve strength and increase freedom of movement. Each session at every level integrates all these keys. Each session is a full body workout:
We customized a GYROKINESIS® or GYROTONIC® method session that meets your needs and helps you achieve your goal.
Healing Body: Offers functional movement exercises to both strengthen your body and release limitations. We involve the entire body in specially structured sequences as we treat the problem area, be it caused by age, injury or stress, e.g., shoulder, hip, back, knees and feet. Release pain and find joy in movement. Return the activities you love through dynamic sequences of movement that are safe and generate energy in the body!
Body Rhythm 1:Discover new capabilities, strength, and flexibility as you progress through dynamic exercise sequences. In this level the rhythm of that movement depends on your strengths and weaknesses. We need movement to function. Progress is made through engaging the whole body. Feel energized at the end of each workout.
Body Rhythm 2: Build upon the foundation established with Body Rhythm 1 and flow through movements and positions that are progressively more challenging and invigorating. You continue to build strength, flexibility and improved alignment. The entire body is awakened and brought into a greater balance.
We've Helped People All Across Santa Monica and Beyond
To experience these positive changes fill out the short form below and move on from discomfort and debilitating pain to rebuild physical strength and greater mobility. Start to develop strong form and achieve a greater freedom of movement.
GYROTONIC®, GYROTONIC® & Logo and GYROKINESIS® are registered trademarks of Gyrotonic Sales Corp and are used with their permission.